Grain of a Universe (Lithic N 39° 07.142′ W 086° 47.045′ /Ferric N 25°47.42556′ W 080° 08.28708′)(2014/15) (Location: ArtCenter/South Florida) Cast iron, sandstone rock, neodymium and ceramic magnets The Sculpture Trails Outdoor Museum, Indiana USA
A cast iron magnetic rock, a lodestone* of sorts and a sandstone mineral rock have been placed in parallel to each other at some distance apart, on the ground. They are of one and the same form. This sculpture’s title, suggests a material or metaphysical fragment with origins in a much larger cosmological odyssey. Time and sun, rain, snow and ice will redden one part and the other will remain visibly unchanged. In this sense, the work is in progress, the ground is still being prepared, small saplings will be removed. The scale of things and forces (gravitational, magnetic and human) are put into focus in relation to this sculpture. A grain, afterall, is a very small thing and a universe is almost beyond imagination. So what are the origins of this strange (and fearful) symmetry? Is the story it tells akin to a meteorite landing from out of the blue? *Lodestones are highly magnetic rocks of iron ore, that naturally attract pieces of iron with their magnetic properties and align themselves with the north/south axis of the earth. They were used by early (spiritual and geographical) navigators to make compasses. The name lodestone, in Middle English means ‘course stone’ or ‘leading stone’.