USA Entanglement Tour – Fermilab Gallery, Chicago

Grain of a Universe (Lithic N 39° 07.142′ W 086° 47.045′ /Ferric N 41° 50.34066’ W 88° 1.799527’), 2014/15 Exhibited presented by Art@CMS CERN at Fermilab Gallery, Chicago. Fermilab is America’s premier particle physics laboratory. Lithic, a sandstone mineral rock, marks a point of the trail on The Sculpture Trails Outdoor Museum, Indiana USA. Ferric, a magnetic iron cast of the rock sits beside it, one and the same form. For the exhibition at Fermilab Ferric moves to Chicago, while Lithic will remain in Indiana marking a point on the Trail. The ferric cast (iron) magnetic rock, a compass back to the point of it’s origin, a lodestone* of sorts, is geographically dislocated from its point of creation; Ferric in orbit of Lithic, a permanent motion and entanglement between the two rocks. Grain of a Universe (Lithic N 39° 07.142′ W 086° 47.045′ /Ferric N 41° 50.34066’W 88° 1.799527’), suggests a material or metaphysical fragment with it’s origins and future part of an ongoing cosmological odyssey, a strange (and fearful) symmetry. Time and sun, rain, snow and ice will act upon the two forms differently, drawing each into a process of entropic transformation. *Lodestones are highly magnetic rocks of iron ore, that naturally attract pieces of iron with their magnetic properties and align themselves with the north/south axis of the earth. They were used by early (spiritual and geographical) navigators to make compasses. The name lodestone, in Middle English means ‘course stone’ or ‘leading stone’.  
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